The Northeast blackout of 1965 happened around sunset on November 9, 1965 after a safety relay, sort of like a circuit breaker and around the size of shoebox, tripped and caused the power outage throughout parts of Rhode Island, Massachusetts, Connecticut, New Hampshire, New York, New Jersey, Vermont, and Pennsylvania. It affected over 30 million people and the power was down for nearly 13 hours in many places. It's thought that the cause was that the limit was set too low on a relay. So, as the sun set and the temperature fell, power usage spiked (due to home heating) and caused the device to trip and the grid to go down.
At the time it was one of the largest power outages ever experienced. Like in 2003, there was a cascade of failures that made the outage become more widespread. Citizens of New York City using public transport had no choice but to walk. Only it was at night instead of during the day (as it was in 2003). Endless numbers of citizens in NYC were stuck in elevators. From the subways, 800,000 people had to walk through the pitch black tunnels and to street level. Once above, they were greeted by a quieter city and the brilliance of the full moon in the sky providing most of the street lighting.
Due to the outage, policies were implemented to try and prevent future widespread incidents of this sort. This led to the cooperation of utility companies and the creation of the National Electric Reliability Council.
The Lake Isabella area, in Kern County, California is no stranger to both small and large wildfires. In 2014, the Shirley Fire burned 2,545 acres of land and caused over $12 million in damage.
The current Lake Isabella fire has far surpassed that fire though and has scorched 30,000 acres. This while also claiming two lives and burning 100 buildings. Around 2,000 people have been evacuated from the area, as of Friday, June 24, 2016.
Emergency personnel and volunteers are helping people in the affected communities. This is as firefighters, with about 800 out in the area, continue to fight the Erskine fire, trying to protect thousands of buildings. What aided the spread of the fire has been the past few years of drought, and the high temperatures and gusting winds that the area is currently experiencing. At one point, the fire scorched 11 miles of land in about 13 hours, leaving firefighters overwhelmed. Unfortunately, conditions are expected to worsen over the weekend.
William McAlevy was a rebellious man who made his own path and was an influential anti-Federalist that shook up the law and government in late-1700s Huntingdon County, Pennsylvania.
After arriving, he first settled in the Cumberland Valley. Which had a large settlement of his fellow Scots-Irish Presbyterians. More specifically, he lived in the region between Harrisburg and Carlisle, Pennsylvania. While living on his homestead there, he met his first wife, Margaret Harris. Her family, her father Robert and mother Mary Ann, were immigrants from County Donegal in Ireland. Though her mother died in Ireland prior to their arrival to the colonies in 1746. The two married in 1758 in Carlisle.
William McAlevy didn't stay in that region though and he left his family in search of a new homestead for the family in the less tamed, more mountainous area of Pennsylvania. An area which, at the time, was mainly inhabited by Shawnee and Ohio Valley tribes. This new place was in what is modern-day northern Huntingdon County.
Move to Huntingdon County
He followed an old Indian path from the Susquehanna region, through the Sherman Valley (probably in the area of modern day Shermans Dale), onto Tuscarora, through Shade Gap, then known as the Shades of Death, to Aughwick, and stopping at Standing Stone (Huntingdon) before continuing on through Stone Creek Valley and to the unbeaten path, the forested areas of Northern Huntingdon County, following the banks of the Standing Stone Creek. This journey of his would've been during the year of 1765. It was at Standing Stone Creek where he found where their homestead would be, approximately 17 miles up Route 26 and somewhere in the immediate area of McAlevys Fort Road. He picked this place as he saw it as a great region for farming.
Not long after, he began planning to bring his family and their belongings to their new homestead. Since the path he traveled along from Harrisburg was too rough for a wagon, especially through Jack's Narrows, he decided on making a canoe from a massive pine tree. He took this canoe and made his way down Standing Stone Creek, southeast down the Juniata, and then shortly along the Susquehanna to Harrisburg. Arriving at Harrisburg, his wife and children got into the canoe and their important belongings were loaded. McAlevy and his family then made their way back along the waterways in which he arrived, to Standing Stone (Huntingdon). From there, and onto Standing Stone Creek, he had a horse to help pull the canoe out of sandbars as it traveled up the creek.
After finally arriving at their new homestead they were wary of their "neighbors", Native American inhabitants of the area. They quickly came to the realization that they had to build themselves a fort . This fort was located only a short distance of a few hundred feet east of Standing Stone Creek, on a hill, and west of the where the community of McAlevys Fort present town site is today. Their fort was also used by those living nearby that needed refuge from raids and other offensive and defensive activities of the original inhabitants of the area.
In time, the McAlevy family began to turn this wild area, nature-wise, into a developed place for settlement and farming. The first few years there were rough, with attacks happening regularly. He once had a close call when he and a companion were a good ways from the fort. He was shot by a Native American man but was able to run away. His companion wasn't so lucky, being captured and scalped. Following this event though, he made headway and cleared enough land to farm and comfortably support his family.
Unfortunately, his first wife Margaret died in the years before he served in the military during the Revolutionary War. She died in 1768, being born in 1734.
William married again, to a Mary Hays, but their marriage only lasted a year. There was a warning about an impending Indian attack that the fort may not have been capable of protecting everyone from. So many settlers, and the McAlevys, left the fort and took off to somewhere else for safety. They traveled across Stone Mountain on a log platform, a "slidecar", that was pulled by horses or behind wagons and dragged along the ground.
During the Revolutionary War, William McAlevy commanded a company that was situated at the northern region of the Juniata Valley, not too far from where he lived. They were tasked with responding to and repelling attacks during the war. Yet, even prior to the war, it was his militia that defended against Indian attacks in the area. His experience became more important during the Revolutionary War and they were already, in an unofficial manner, against acknowledging the authority of King George III before they even knew the war broke out. Once they knew the war had started though, they clashed with Tories and Indians.
In the spring of 1778 there was a force of around 320 Tories, commanded by John Weston, who headed into Huntingdon and drove out citizens who were not loyal to the the crown. McAlevy, now a colonel, heard news of this but was initially unable to respond. As the Tory force was stronger, more prepared, and more well-armed. So he asked for reinforcements and Colonels Brown and Buchanan responded and their forces joined up with McAlevy's. They marched on to Huntingdon but, by the time they arrived, the Tories had already fled. McAlevy and his men continued defending the region against Tories and their Native American allies until Weston died and the alliance was broken.
McAlevy then became a brigadier general after the end of Revolutionary War. He aligned with Thomas Jefferson but, as an anti-Federalist, was opposed to adoption of the Constitution and made many efforts in politics to prevent its ratification. His influence, and his political partners, failed to achieve this goal in elections and, in turn, he turned to other methods to oppose the Constitution going into effect. He made "war" against its establishment in Huntingdon County for a year or two. Creating Unrest in Huntingdon and Huntingdon County
What angered him, and many others, was that those who were appointed to head the government in the newly-established Huntingdon County were the elitists of the region, the easily corrupted. Which was a dislike of many anti-federalists, that the Constitution made political corruption far more likely. McAlevy and his allies formed up and headed to a county government meeting. This was in March of 1788 and six months after the formation of the county. Their intent was to break up the meeting on its first day. They were armed with clubs and had an effigy of Colonel Cannon along with them. The court heard of their march beforehand and two justices, Philips and Henderson, left the court and tried to stop them from heading to the court and disturbing the peace. They were unsuccessful and McAlevy and his men continued on all the way to the court meeting at Sell's Tavern. Which, at the time, was located off where Allegheny Street is today.
McAlevy's men then entered the tavern and began to make a racket to drown out the court and their speech. In response, the court had no choice but to end the meeting. Each warning the protesters received was completely ignored and this lead to the detainment of McAlevy by Sheriff Elliot. Being disliked by the protesters, this only made them more rebellious and they went at the sheriff and freed McAlevy. Elliot called for help but it was too much for those trying to oppose McAlevy's men and McAlevy was helped out of the court by his supporters. Immediately after the event, McAlevy and some of his allies were indicted and a grand jury met the next morning on this issue. The court was in session but the prosecution was unprepared to go ahead, especially with the uneasy atmosphere of the court, and the court was postponed.
In May of 1788, the annual militia muster was held in the region of Hartslog Valley. Sheriff Elliot was present, as he was also the lieutenant in Huntingdon County. Also present were many of the citizens who protested at the court back in March. Their intent though was to prevent the muster. At first, they pretended to fall in line with every participant. They then began to protest against the command of Major Spencer and Colonel Cannon and saw the two as being not fit for the positions that they were elected to. Tempers flared and Elliot and one of the officers was injured in the fighting. Fighting that was referred to by many as a 'riot'.
In response, an agreement was made to bring in another commander, for a temporary time, to appease those who weren't willing to muster under Colonel Cannon and Major Spencer. Then men who were against Spencer and Cannon were told to step forward. Which ended up leading to 1/3 of the men walking out. In response, given that so many refused to muster under the officers, Elliot and the officers had no choice but to end the roll call, leaving the field along with men who'd arrived at Hartslog as a part of the battalion.
This defiance by McAlevy and others lead to action against them. Justice Thomas Duncan Smith (possible match), who was also disliked by the protesters, was approached to file charges against McAlevy and two other men for their actions at the muster. Warrants were then issued for their arrest. They appeared at court and were told by a different justice, Thomas McClure, informing the men of the order for them to appear before Justice Smith in five days.
Five days later, McAlevy and the two other men showed up at the court along with a crowd of individuals also against the court. The hearing went on as normal (as things could be) and Smith said he would set their bail. McAlevy and the men refused this and demanded to be sent to jail. The justice was unable to do this, as a jail had not been built yet. Their stubbornness lead to the justice having no choice but to let them go without their having to pay a bail.
McAlevy and his men then left the court and the town to meet up at their meeting place. Once there, they began to plan a new action and gather up reinforcements. After a few hours they, a force of around 100, headed to Huntingdon, fully armed with weapons, guns, clubs, knives, tomahawks and other weaponry. They marched their way down the main street, and to the public square, then began to show their force while openly displaying their weapons and making plenty of noise. The crowd watching their activities, including authorities, officers, and citizens felt a sense of fear. They realized that McAlevy and his supporters had a power that couldn't be resisted.
In response, Justice Smith was called out to the "event" and was placed in the center of a circle, with a rifle pointed at him, and was surrounded by McAlevy's men. He was then ordered to revoke and destroy the warrants over their activities at the failed muster. Justice Smith complied, pulled the warrants out but he refused to destroy them himself. So Smith handed them to one of McAlevy's men, the one that had been pointing a rifle at him, and the man proceeded to rip up the warrants, tossing the ripped up pieces at Smith.
Court clerk Lazarus B. McLain was also sent for and was ordered to show the indictment from March. Being under intimidation, he produced the document and it was torn up just like the warrants were. Afterwards, to further their point, McAlevy sent some of his men to the courthouse at Sell's Tavern, following behind Smith and Henderson, to destroy the court docket containing more information of McAlevy and his men's cases. Smith and Henderson handed over the docket under force. These documents were also destroyed, possibly burned.
Out of these events, officials of the county were told that their lives may have been in danger. So many of them went into hiding or left the area completely. Justice Smith hid out at a friend's place while Justice Henderson left Huntingdon. After their fleeing from their own homes, their homes were searched by those suspected of being McAlevy's men. Either with or without the command (or knowledge) of McAlevy. David McMurtrie, Sheriff Elliot, and two other constables also left/fled the area to work elsewhere. Sheriff Elliot was unable to act, for his own safety, in his law enforcement duties throughout the county. Huntingdon County practically became lawless at this time.
This atmosphere continued and on June 5th, 1788 a call for aid was made to the Supreme Executive Council of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. They looked into the matter and by June 25th had made the decision to take measures to end the disturbances throughout Huntingdon County. Though nothing immediate came of this decision and the unrest continued throughout Huntingdon County.
Raids into Huntingdon became more frequent, citizens were being assaulted, and the homes of county officials were attacked and vandalized at night. In mid-August, 160 men from all over Huntingdon County joined up with McAlevy (under his leadership), with John Smith, Abraham Smith, and John Little as his lieutenants. They marched in the streets in Huntingdon and were provided weapons by those in fear of an attack. Government officials of the county, and supporters of the county government, took up defense in Sheriff Elliot's home and came armed to defend themselves. McAlevy's force never headed to Elliot's home though and instead stayed in the streets of Huntingdon. Around the same time as these marches, they had a meeting at William Kerr's house to choose delegates to send to a convention that was going to be held at Lewisburg. After this meeting they proceeded to leave Huntingdon.
By September, the Huntingdon County government was getting back on its feet and carrying on with their activities. Which included the court operations. They still had received no help from the Supreme Executive Council and McAlevy was still very active. Though his violence lessened and the political battles, under his influence, heated up instead.
In August of 1789, the Supreme Executive Council postponed any action in Huntingdon County. Mostly due to the fact that things were beginning to calm as the county government stabilized itself. All without any help from the feet-dragging Supreme Executive Council.
His Later Years
McAlevy still played an influential role in his anti-federalist party. He was still involved in the leadership throughout the 1800s and was still highly respected by its members. He was still involved with the military too and was made a brigadier general of the second brigade (mentioned above), by Governor McKean. The second brigade was in operation with forces comprised of those in Huntingdon and Mifflin counties. Which, at the time, included Centre County, which was a part of Mifflin. He also served proudly at his Presbyterian church at Manor Hill. He contributed in dispensing communion at his church, which was located not far from the fort he built.
On August 21st, 1822, at age 94, William McAlevy died at his daughter Jane's home near Petersburg. He's buried at McAlevys Fort Hill Cemetery in McAlevys Fort, PA.
Mary Jemison, also known by the name Dehgewanus, (meaning, "Two Falling Voices") was born on a small ship on the Atlantic Ocean in 1742 or autumn of 1743. Her birth occurred as the ship sailed from Belfast, Ireland to the New World. The ship itself went by the name, "William and Mary" (possible reference). When they arrived they, newborn Mary and her parents Thomas Jemison and Jane Jemison (nee Irwin), settled in Pennsylvania. They made their way westward to settle in an area where Scots-Irish immigrants had already built a settlement. This settlement wasn't all that far from Gettysburg and went by the name Marsh Creek. Once settled, in 1744, her father built a cabin for the family. In time, there were six children in the family, which included Mary.
At this time the French and Indian War continued as Mary Jemison and her family felt the effects of the war. On April 5th, 1755, French soldiers and Shawnee Indians (six Shawnee, four French) raided her family's cabin. Mary was said to be 13 at this time. They took the whole family hostage, except for her two brothers. Her brothers had escaped before they were captured. The family was taken west, to the French-built Fort Duquesne, near modern-day downtown Pittsburgh. Before arriving at the fort though, their captors made a decision to get rid of some of them. So they separated Mary and a neighbor boy (named Davy Wheelock) from the rest of their families. Mary and Davy's family members were left behind, with some of the Shawnee and French, and were killed.
Mary's mother's maiden name was Irwin before she met Thomas Jemison. (source)
Once they reached Fort Duquesne, Mary was sold to two Seneca women. From the fort, she was taken down the Ohio River, into Ohio. After a while of being in the village she was, more or less, adopted by the people. She was brought into the tribe and took the place of a young warrior that had died. This is where she took on her new name Dehgewanus, meaning Two Falling Voices. In time, she began to learn their ways and began living like the Seneca. In 1760 and somewhere near Sciota, Ohio she became the wife of a Delaware named Sheninjee at 17. In 1761, they had a daughter together. Unfortunately, the daughter died a couple days after being born. Months later, sometime before the spring of 1762, she had a son and named him Thomas in memory of her father.
Once the summer of 1762 arrived, Mary and Sheninjee, with Thomas in a cradleboard on her back, set off with a small party towards New York State. The relocation was a nearly seven hundred mile trip to Sheninjee's homeland. They headed to an area along the Genesee River in a valley known as Sehgahunda. The name which means 'Vale of the Three Falls', describing the three waterfalls of Letchworth. Before arriving though, Sheninjee made a decision to go on a short hunt but ended up getting ill and dying. So Mary (Dehgewanus), continued on her own towards Sehgahunda, arriving as a widow in this area she didn't know well at the time. Members of Sheninjee's tribe aided her in settling near Little Beard's Town. A town which was located near present-day Cuylerville, NY. There she grieved for about a year over the loss of Sheninjee. This, her new home, inside the land of the Seneca, made for a quiet and peaceful life for a few years.
That is until the Revolutionary War broke out.
Many of the tribes had sided with the British during the Revolutionary War. Due to this, they became entangled in a battle with the Continental Army. In 1779, George Washington sent around five thousand soldiers to Little Beard's Town to battle the Seneca. The Seneca, who ambushed the soldiers in an attempt to stop them, had successes early on. Yet it wasn't enough and the Continental Army broke through their defense. They proceeded to burn down their fields and homes throughout a vast area of the Genesee River Valley. As John Sullivan's troops arrived at Little Beard's Town, the Seneca retreated to the forest. While other members of the tribe fled to other Seneca villages that hadn't been attacked. Dehgewanus went south from Little Beard's Town and to an abandoned village known as Gadaho. She and her children found shelter there with two runaway slaves.
As time went on, she adapted even more to the culture of the Seneca and lived completely as one of them. It was, in living along the Genesee River, where she met Hiokatoo and they spent years living there until the land was bought up by land speculators. This came after the Seneca tribe voted, likely pressured into a vote at Big Tree (present-day Geneseo) in the summer of 1797. They were persuaded to sell their land to said speculators. The treaty upset a lot of Seneca. Yet, the tribe members went along anyway and sold a good portion of their homelands to settlers. One of the lands sold was where Dehgewanus, Hiokatoo and her children lived. She was present at Big Tree and was able to get some of her land set aside to become part of the nearly eighteen thousand acre Gardeau Reservation. Even though Dehgewanus and her family still had a good amount of land to grow their food on, her family, along with the rest of the Seneca tribe, began to face more hardships. This only increased as more settlers moved into the surrounding areas. Which, in turn, the tensions began to affect her family directly. Her husband Hiokatoo died in 1811, and three of her sons were killed between 1811 and 1817. Some of the residents in the area also tried to take Dehgewanus' lands during this period.
Mary Jemison Cabin By J. Stephen Conn
Most of her neighbors respected her, especially as she got older and was starting to be seen as an 'elder'. This is when she got the name, "Old White Woman of the Genesee." Dehgewanus was charitable and took care of those in need who showed up at her cabin. She would even visit the cabins of her neighbors, giving them tea and cake. This is around the same time when local residents convinced a doctor, James Seaver, to interview her in November 1823. At the time of the interview, which happened at Whaley Tavern, she was 80 years old. These interviews, which led to the writing of the book, as initially titled, "The Life and Times of Mrs. Mary Jemison" and its publication the following year by James Everett Seaver (Find A Grave). In 1823, the Senecas gave up (under pressure) the Gardeau Reservation and two acres of land were set aside for Dehgewanus. In 1831, she sold these lands, (yet again, another questionable sale done under pressure), and relocated to the Buffalo Creek Reservation, where she died on September 19, 1833, age 89 or 90.
About forty years after her death, her grave was relocated to Letchworth from the Buffalo Creek Reservation. This came after the sale of the reservation and after her grandchildren petitioned William Pryor Letchworth to relocate her grave to the park. He agreed to do so and in March of 1874, Dehgewanus' remains were placed in a new walnut coffin and brought to the Genesee River Valley by train. At the ceremony on the Council Ground, mixing both Seneca and Christian observances, she was buried on a bluff above Letchworth's Middle Falls. The site is marked by a statue of her carrying Thomas in a cradleboard on her back.
The Iroquois National Wildlife Refuge is a 10,828-acre refuge located in Western New York. Developed in the 1950s, it was first known as the Oak Orchard National Wildlife Refuge. The refuge was established to preserve the natural features of the land and the wildlife of the area. The idea to create the refuge came after the reduction of wildlife in the area due to the draining of the swamps. In the 1930s, increased logging and farming was one of the main causes of the further reduction of the wildlife. Residents became concerned and made moves to protect the swamps and stop the destruction.
The Iroquois National Wildlife Refuge is within the towns of Alabama and Shelby, NY. Located in the wildlife refuge are 'pools' of water that provide for the wildlife and marsh vegetation. They include the Seneca Pool, Oneida Pool, Cayuga Pool, Mohawk Pool, and the Onondaga Pool. There are also four trails and four overlooks in the refuge. All of which are open to the public for visiting and usage any time of the year. These trails are the Kanyoo Nature Trail, Onondaga trail, Swallow Hollow Trail and Feeder Road. The Kanyoo Nature Trail gets its name from the Iroquois word for "wildlife".
Wildlife of the Iroquois National Wildlife Refuge
Birds and Migratory Birds
Being on a major path of bird migrations, the wildlife refuge experiences a sizable amount of species of birds in the area. The path is known as the Atlantic flyway. Around two hundred and sixty-six species of birds have been spotted at the wildlife refuge. Sixty of which stay there all year round. As for geese that seasonally nest on the refuge, only around two hundred pairs of geese stay on the 'stop' that is the Iroquois NWR. While the rest continue on to nesting areas in Canada. The heights of migration are from the middle of March to the beginning of April. In the autumn season, the migrations occur from the middle of September until early October. Other birds that migrate to the area are sandpipers, killdeer, and various other shorebirds. They arrive (in their highest numbers) during and between the months of May to August. Birds of prey are also known to frequent the area of the refuge during migrations or stay year round. The most common birds of prey being the American Kestrel and the Red-tailed hawk. Though Ospreys and Bald eagles are also present at the refuge.
Fish and Mollusks
The species of fish in the waters of the refuge provide a food source for the other wildlife. These species of fish include bass, bullhead, yellow perch, sunfish, black crappie, northern pike and the invasive carp. Mollusk species, mussels, and clams, are also found in the waters of the refuge
The environment and diversity of the Iroquois NWR allows it to support a wide range of mammals. The wildlife is present in both the wetlands and other areas of the refuge. Many of the mammals are known to inhabit Western New York are present in the refuge. This includes the many well-known animals. Including muskrats, red foxes, gray squirrels, white-tailed deer and eastern cottontail rabbits. River otters and coyotes have sometimes been spotted at the refuge.
Amphibians and Reptiles
The most visible reptiles at the refuge are snapping turtles and the midland painted turtles. On warm and sunny days you can find the painted turtles resting out in the sun for warmth. You'll also find snapping turtles around the refuge looking for areas in which to lay their eggs. As for snakes, there are the more commonly sighted water snakes and garter snakes. Lesser-seen snakes on the refuge are the smooth green snakes, the black rat snake, the northern redbelly snake, the eastern milk snake and the northern brown snake. None of these snakes are venomous.
You can also find many amphibians at the Iroquois NWR. They live in the forest and wetlands of the refuge. Species of frogs and toads include the northern leopard frog, green frogs, gray tree frogs, American toads, the western chorus frog, and spring peepers. In the spring, you can hear the songs of the frogs all throughout the season. Salamanders on the refuge include Jefferson and blue-spotted salamanders.
Activities and Trails on the Refuge
There are plenty of recreational and educational activities on the Iroquois National Wildlife Refuge. There is a visitor's center on Casey Road that provides education about the local wildlife and information. Within the visitor center is a nature store providing apparel, nature books, and more items available for sale.
Feeder Road - Originally, Feeder Road was constructed in 1823, using material from the digging of the Feeder Canal. The canal's purpose was to direct water from Tonawanda Creek, into Oak Orchard Creek. From there it went to the Erie Canal. Feeder Road goes through woods, grasslands, and wetland.
Kanyoo Nature Trail - Kanyoo takes you through the forest and wetlands. On the boardwalk, there's an observation area that provides excellent views of the marshland. During the spring and summer, wildflowers and other colorful, natural sights are everywhere
Onondaga Natural Trail - The Onondaga takes visitors over the Onondaga marsh, through the woods, and over plantations areas. These plantations were initially created by the Seneca. Long before the wildlife refuge existed they used some of the area for farming. All throughout the trail, you'll spot birds and other wild animals.
Swallow Hollow Nature Trail - Somewhat similar to the Kanyoo Nature Trail, a boardwalk will take you through marshland. The trail also goes through wetland and the wooded areas. In spring and into summer plenty of songbirds, such as the Warbler, are found along this trail. Panels along this trail also provide information about wildlife that you can expect to spot.
Overlooks on the Refuge
Cayuga Marsh Overlook - From this overlook, you'll be able to watch bald eagles in their nest. You'll also spot various other wildlife, including waterfowl and black tern. It's best to bring a pair of binoculars with you for best viewing.
Mallard Overlook - At this overlook, you can view Ringneck Marsh (south-east view) and possibly spot an osprey nest. Great blue heron and waterfowl are also visible here.
Ringneck Marsh Overlook - Ringneck Marsh is visible from the a northern 'perspective'. This is the best overlook for viewing migrating geese.
Schoolhouse Marsh Overlook - Here you'll be able to see waterfowl and it's where you can get the best sightings of shorebirds.
On a Sunday night in the autumn of 1780, the Dean family was visited by Captain Simonton and his family. At the time, Simonton and his family were the closest neighbors to the Dean family, living at a home along the Juniata on the "river road", near Canoe Valley, Huntingdon County, Pennsylvania. While visiting, Captain Simonton gave news of hostile Native Americans being in the area. So he recommended that the Deans head to Lowry's Fort, which existed near modern day Fox Run and Goodman Roads in Alexandria. Matthew Dean's family consisted of eight children at this time and the sooner they got ready to evacuate, the better. Mr. Dean chose not to leave for the fort though and dismissed the sighting as just rumor. When the Simontons were getting ready to leave, his son stopped his parents to ask if he could stay overnight at the Dean's place. His parents gave in and Mrs. Simonton promised to visit the next day.
The next morning, Mr. Dean takes two of his sons and two of his oldest daughters out to their cornfields to prepare the fields for spring and sow some rye. Once done with the planting, Mr. Dean went into the woods to hunt wild pigeon for food. Not long after, he saw smoke in the distance coming from the direction of his home and hurried out of the woods. His four children also followed quickly along with him. Along the way, they met up with Mrs. Simonton, as she was arriving, and she followed them to the home with the five Deans. They all arrived at the Dean home to find that all of the children and his wife were dead. The home was also lit on fire by the raiding Native Americans. In the yard, one of Mr. Dean's young daughters was found scalped. The home had burned for a while and only the burned remains of the Dean family's members were left. The Simonton boy was nowhere to be found though. A search party, following the trail of the Native American individuals, was headed by the eight Beatty boys and included many other men from other local families.
Captain Simonton traveled to Minor's Mill that day and only heard the news once he arrived back at Water Street. Hearing the news, he quickly took off to the Dean's as they were pulling remains of the Dean family from the home. Hearing the news of his missing son he, along with everyone else, suspected that his son was taken into captivity. In response, Simonton offered up a ransom or reward for his return or recovery. The amount he offered was 100 pounds. He attended a few treaty meetings, including ones at Miami Valley and Chillicothe, Ohio. The captives he saw at these treaties, none of them were his son. The many searches for his son, by the search parties, also came up empty handed. After a while, he lost hope and gave up the search.
Decades passed, during the War of 1812, three of Simonton's other sons were with Captain Moses Canan's military company and working with Senecas (who were neutral) there in Cattaraugus County, NY. A white man was spotted by some of the other men in the company, living comfortably with the Seneca, with a wife. Being curious, they asked about his past and wondered if he was from the Juniata. They asked him with him replying, "I think I am." He also told them that his name was John Sims. The Army soldiers then asked him if he wanted to see his brothers, telling him that they were nearby, and John said that he would. He then began to cry and it was clear that he was the missing brother. While still talking with the soldiers, his wife arrived, looking displeased, and quickly took him away. After that, they never saw him again throughout their whole time stationed at Cattaraugus.
On the rest of the family, the elder, Captain Simonton, died before his sons arrived back from war. and one of Dean's daughters, one of the ones working in the field at the time of the massacre, married a member of the Caldwell family. His sons surviving sons were also married and had quite large families.